2020 – Online workshops demonstrated different types of Seniors groups linking Creativity and Social Inclusion
Research conducted by VS Associates to enhance Social Inclusion Through the Arts indicated that there are six different types of online communities, including:
- Knowledge and learning communities
- Expert networks and advisory communities
- Event communities
- Membership communities
- Brand communities
- Communities of Action
We selected examples of Knowledge and Learning communities as well as Membership communities to explore how to connect older adults with ongoing learning and social interaction.
We featured speakers from an indigenous grandmother circle, a university alumni group, and a creativity virtual programming group.
Research indicates that “Lonely people express a preference for using the Internet for social interaction and are more likely to use the Internet in a way that displaces time spent in offline social activities.” Nowland and others, suggest in this article that “lonely people may need support with their social internet use so that they employ it in a way that enhances existing friendships and/or to forge new ones.”
In the first Museum London Symposium, Kathy Smith and Victoria Stasiuk explored how programming activities for older adults should be based on the continuum of older adult health, from highly active and healthy to frail and failing. For the February 2022 Symposium, we emphasized how important it is to involve older adults in the planning and implementation of the content, process, and implementation.
This concept links up strongly with research on systems design and human-centered design when planning online and on-site visitor experiences. The peer learning sessions of the Museum Computer Network have also emphasized these concepts.
The Creative Age Network provided coordination services the Opening Session and workshops of the February 2022 Older Adult Symposium building on the previous work of the Building Digital Bridges Symposium hosted by Museum London in December 2020.
“Throughout the pandemic, older adults have been isolated by lockdowns and social restrictions. Many have had minimal contact with family, friends, and social groups over the past 2 years.
I’m personally involved with this meaningful project to engage more older adults in our communities through cross-sector online networking and collaborations with arts, culture, health, and technology”
Kathy Smith
Executive Director, Creative Age Network
2022 – Highlights of Museum London Older Adults Symposium
Robin Armistead, Manager of Cultural Services, City of London, Ontario, affirmed local commitment to cultural leadership, by outlining London’s recent announcement as Canada’s first UNESCO City of Music.
The Creative Age Network has provided copies of Dr. Kauffman’s slides here.
Sophie Hinch, Art Gallery of Windsor, repeat speaker from first symposium, continues great work with Older Adults by involving diverse artists, creativity, baking bread. Mindful Mondays – slow looking at visual art & guiding meditation. Taking Care: Where Art Meets Wellness is supported by the Solcz Family Foundation and by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Jody Harbour & Grandmother Renee Thomas-Hill from Grandmother’s Voice speak about the importance of neighbours, the gift of thanks, & sacred peace. Miigwech for the blessings to building digital bridges of communities of understanding, reflecting & amplifying the wisdom of our elders.
The Creative Age Network provided coordination services the Opening Session and workshops of the February 2022 Older Adult Symposium building on the previous work of the Building Digital Bridges Symposium hosted by Museum London in December 2020.
VS Associates provided panel moderation, blogging and social media promotion services for Museum London’s Older Adult Symposiums in December 2020 and February 2022.
Use this link to find out how we can help achieve your priorities and goals for your next event or program.
VS Associates provided panel moderation, blogging and social media promotion services for Museum London’s Older Adult Symposiums in December 2020 and February 2022.
Use this link to find out how we can help achieve your priorities and goals for your next event or program.