Our clients increasingly understand the changing nature of volunteerism. Could your volunteer program benefit from a refresh, linked to your strategic plan? You can increase Volunteer Engagement Through Strategic Planning. A more flexible team-based approach has the potential to improve your organization’s fundraising events and community programming. Older adults and youth volunteers can be important partners and allies for your team.
The Process
In our firm’s strategic planning work, our clients can expect three distinct phases tailored to their team, community and stakeholders:
- Phase 1 – Discovery Phase – environmental scan, research and analysis, best practices interviews, confirmation of goals and priorities of the management team
- Phase 2 – Consultation – Executive Summary of Phase 1, Community, Team and Stakeholder focus group workshops
- Phase 3 – Building Strategic Action Plan – We customize this phase based on the findings of Phases 1 and 2 to work collaboratively with the management team on a feasible and strong plan.
Global and Industry Trends
In two of our recent projects with heritage organizations, we noticed that many non-profit organizations have revised their volunteer management programs to include digital literacy training for volunteers.
With one organization, they realized human interaction and behaviour are shifting away from affinity groups and physical touch points. With the rise of social media and smartphone technology, their volunteers needed to be active where their target communities live.
Priorities Unique to Your Situation
In one project, leadership acknowledged that volunteers could help attract more communities to their programming through social media strategies.
In another project, leadership wanted to align performance and museum operations with a balanced scorecard approach where four pillars were developed for museum excellence for volunteers and staff:
- Enhanced Visitor Experience
- Creating a Culture of Belonging & Growth
- Internal Process Improvements
- Increased Revenue and Attendance
Get in touch to explore your industry and global trends. We can match these patterns to your community’s needs. Our firm’s tools and paradigms can adapted to your situation.
We can work with you to tailor your strategic plan so everyone in your organization is working together.
Schedule your session now at info@victoriastasiuk.ca