Our team gathered in Toronto in November 2023, to re-connect on personal and professional projects and to become more familiar with our colleagues in the North American Wiki movement.

Meta Data and De-Colonization Session

Rhonda Yearwood attended several sessions including one on Meta Data and De-Colonization. Ms. Yearwood reflected recently on Amanda Figueroa’s presentation inspiring GLAM (Galleries, Library, Archive and Museum) workers to think critically about how their collections are reflected online within the wiki movement or Meta Data as well as how online collections describe objects on their websites:

“Amanda presented some interesting examples and steps to take when starting the critical thinking process for curators. Her suggestions to identify outdated and offensive descriptions and to undertake Stakeholder feedback, provide some essential foundations for possible upcoming projects and client work.”

Spring 2024 Sessions

Rhonda will be building on this experience in April and May 2024 with:

  • Canadian Museum Association conference – Niagara Falls
  • Node Curatorial Studies – Decolonizing Curatorial Theory and Artistic Practices

Let’s Connect

Victoria Stasiuk and Rhonda Yearwood look forward to reconnecting with colleagues and leading practices at the upcoming Canadian Museum Association conference, please email info@victoriastasiuk.ca, to arrange an introductory meeting and explore these concepts further with your collection.